Herstory of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Iota Phi Lambda was founded on June 1, 1929 in Chicago, Illinois by Founder Lola Mercedes Parker. Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. is the first African-American Greek-lettered business sorority established by African-American Business Women. The founding of the sorority, which occurred after World War I, helped support African-American women who participated in the “Great Migration” to come together and continue to pursue new skills in business as they sought greater opportunities toward a better life.

Iota Phi Lambda is deeply rooted in achieving the highest scholastic goals and is passionate about helping those who want to achieve higher education levels in the field of business. Scholarships are available on a national, regional and local chapter levels focused on young girls and young women who are interested in furthering her education beyond high school.

Epsilon Tau Chapter serves the communities of Southwest Dallas County in a number of ways. The chapter logs hundreds of volunteer hours with local programs like Black Girls Code-Dallas. We organize events and workshops regarding entrepreneurship, leadership, career exploration, teen pregnancy prevention, social issues, financial literacy, digital literacy, and reading literacy.

Iota Phi Lambda provides a sisterhood of African-American women dedicated to the ideals of sisterhood, friendship and professional development. Sisterhood is the bond that strengthens Iota to continue to dedicate time and resources throughout its lifetime. The Sisterhood provides a nurturing environment to where one can share and develop skills and gifts towards a common purpose that affects our community generation to generation. National Program Correspondence Week is Iota’s program designed to foster sisterhood throughout its membership and Founder’s Day is celebrated annually on the first day of June throughout the Iota Membership body.
Chartered May 4, 2013, by Southwestern Regional Director, Charlotte D. Berry, a group of 10 dedicated and enthusiastic women, had a strong desire to bring the vision of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. to more communities in the DFW area. The ten charter members were: Wendy B. Jacques, Michelle Peace, LaToya Randle, Robin Mack, Katrina (Martin) Stevens, Tiffany Bryant, Carmon Brown, Shelia C. Fisher, Dorian Jordan and Dr. Tonya Sawyer McGee.
Wendy B. Jacques served as the chapter’s first president. In the chapter’s first nine years, the chapter has been awarded National and Regional recognition for its programmatic work, sponsored three National scholarship winners, three Regional scholarship winners, several Regional and National essay winners, a National Soror of the Year, Regional Journalist and National Secretary. We are truly “gladiators”..

Epsilon Tau Charter Members
Epsilon Tau Chapter Charter Members on May 4, 2013.

Wendy B. Jacques
Epsilon Tau's First Chapter President (2013-2016), (2020-2021); First National Soror of the Year (2017); and First National Officer, National Secretary (2013-2017). Wendy serves as the Southwestern Region's Assistant Regional Director (2021-2023). At the 94th National Convention in Detroit, MI, Wendy was elected and installed as the National President Elect of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

Michelle Peace
Epsilon Tau's First Vice President (2013-2016); Epsilon Tau's First Regional Officer, Southwestern Regional Journalist (2014-2018); National Webmaster (2010-present) Michelle served as chapter president (2016-2020).
Epsilon Tau Chapter Charter Members
Epsilon Tau Chapter National Officers

Epsilon Tau Chapter Regional Officers

Epsilon Tau Sorors of the Year

ET Chapter Presidents