“Nothing will work unless you do."
Of course, good old-fashioned hard work always pays off, whether you’re a man or a woman. But if you’re an entrepreneurial woman, be prepared to work extra hard.

maya angelou
Tastes and Toasts
Annually, we recognize area youth and female entrepreneurs to encourage them to keep moving forward with their business enterprises.

Support of Small Businesses
In April, we support small businesses with a small business crawl. Our support of small businesses helps to promote businesses that can use an influx of media and dollars.
Cookies, Cocktails, and Conversations
Epsilon Tau hosts an annual mixer to discuss interesting business topics with our guests. Its a fun and relaxing way to share information while supporting a small business.

Our Business Month Photo Gallery
Here are some of the highlights of our observance of Iota Phi Lambda’s Capstone Program, Business Month.